extra step added with v3

This topic contains 12 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  David Bühler 3 years, 11 months ago.

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    We have been using Event Organiser Pro for over 2 years now, currently on 2 different sites and we are very happy with it.
    However with the EO Pro update from v2 to v3 there was a big change in how submissions are handled adding an extra step in the process.

    Since we only use offline payments on our sites, we feel that this this extra step is unnecessary and confusing so we decided to stick with version 2 until v3 had been updated.
    …earlier mentioned here:


    EO Pro v2 is working fine as it is now but it would feel a lot better if we could update to the latest version.
    Do you have plans for including this with the next update?



    Hi Anders,

    I will aim to get a beta version of this feature to by the end of the month.

    Stephen Harris

    Thank you Stephen!



    It seems that this problem isn’t solved yet. When do you plan to address it?
    In addition to that, the translation to german isn’t done, check the screenshot. How can I change that?

    Many thanks & cheers

    I’m on Version 3.10.2.


    David Bühler

    Hi David,

    The feature is still in beta and not been published. I can provide with you the beta-version if you wish?

    With regards to the translation you edit the translations in the event-organiser-pro/languages/ folder (or event-organiser/languages/ for the text in the free version – I can’t see the screenshot to advise which exactly).

    There are .po files which contain the translations and you can make changes there. You’ll need to convert that .po file to .mo file (see, for example: https://po2mo.net/) for the changes to take effect.

    If you are providing missing translations then I’d very much welcome the .po file to include in future releases. If you’re making changes I’d recommend copying the edited .po and .mo file to wp-content/languages so that they are not overridden by subsequent updates.

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen

    Thank you for your quick answer!
    It would be great if you could send me the beta-version, thanks!

    Here is the screenshot, the previous URL didn’t work:

    Since the extra step is skipped in the beta version (and future updates) and my translations may not suit all the german users (I’m using «reservations» instead of «bookings» because we don’t actually sell tickets online), I’ll leave the .po file as it is.

    But if you want you can change the .po files like this for future updates (translations according to the screenshot – I do it differently on my page):

    Your booking XXXX is pending payment -> Die Zahlung für Ihre Buchung XXXX ist noch pendent

    Quantity -> Menge

    Pay offline -> Offline zahlen

    Cheers, David

    David Bühler

    Hi Stephen

    It would be great to hear from you, i’d like to install the beta-version.

    Many thanks & cheers

    David Bühler

    Hi David,

    I’ve just sent you an email with a link to the beta version.

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen

    Unfortunately it still doesn’t work. The reservation remains “incomplete”, there is a message “booking pending confirmation” and the redirection doesn’t happen.
    See screenshot here: https://muehleotelfingen.ch/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/reservation2.png

    We installed the beta and added the code to the functions.php:
    add_filter(‘eventorganiser_booking_skip_payment_options’, ‘__return_true’);

    Could you please check again the beta and the functions code?

    Cheers, David

    David Bühler

    Hi David,

    Are you only using the offline payment gateway, and I assume the event is not free?

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen

    Yes, only offline payment gateway is active, and the events are not free.

    David Bühler

    Hi Stephen

    It would be great to hear from you. We are still stuck with this extra step and the reservations remaining incomplete.

    Many thanks & cheers

    David Bühler

    Hi Stephen

    It still doesn’t work, could you please help? The bookings remain incomplete and the bookee doesn’t receive a mail after he made the booking.
    Online payment is disabled, only offline payment is live (the events are not free!). Offline payment Email is activated in the settings.

    I have added the following code to the functions.php file:

    add_action(‘eventorganiser_offline_payment_initiated’, function($booking){
    eo_confirm_booking($booking->id(), true);

    add_filter(‘eventorganiser_booking_skip_payment_options’, ‘__return_true’);

    We have Event Organiser Pro Version 3.1.1 installed today, but the problem remains the same.

    I would really appreciate your help! Thanks, David

    David Bühler
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