A while ago i have bought eventorganizer-pro, and now I am trying to make it live on my web page. I am not at all a programmer and I have difficulties to do it, especially because your EventOrganizer Shortcodes does not function in my theme (themify-magazine). Can you check for me weather your plug-in does not work properly with that particular theme?
Małgorzata Rogalska
Hi Malgorzata,
Do you mean this theme? If so, it’s not possible to for me to check if there are any conflicts between the theme and Event Organiser. However, which shortcodes are you experiencing issues with, and in what way do they not work? Can you provide a link to your site demonstrating the problems? The shortcode issues might be easily resolved :).
Stephen Harris
Genarally I need a short code which will allow me to display calendar view with multi-fiters. Or I can use it as widget and then it is filtered by date/category/etc. but it does not desplay event longer than 1 day.
I used as well a shorcode: [eo_fullcalendar headerLeft=’prev,next today’ headerCenter=’title’ headerRight=’state’], but this allow me only one filter.
I need a short code to display calendar with filters: date/state/category/tag.
In the initial description of Pro version it was said that I can have adiitional filtes using free field – if you could help on this as well, this would be great 🙂
Małgorzata Rogalska
You can provide a comma-delimited list of filters, e.g.:
[eo_fullcalendar headerLeft='prev,next today' headerCenter='title' headerRight='category,state,goto']
Unfortunately there’s no tag filter (currently). But the shortcode attributes (including available filters) can be found here: http://wp-event-organiser.com/documentation/shortcodes/event-full-calendar-short-code/.
Stephen Harris
I have tried with coma, which i actually found in the link provided by you, but it is not working. Even when I pase your example my filters are category and date. I cannot filter by state.
Małgorzata Rogalska
It behaves as if I do not have pro version.
Małgorzata Rogalska
I’d be surprised if one filter works and the other doesn’t… you do have Pro activated on the site, correct? Can you provide a link to the calendar?
Stephen Harris
I’d be surprised if one filter works and the other doesn’t… you do have Pro activated on the site, correct? Can you provide a link to the calendar?
Stephen Harris
What versions of EO and EO Pro are you using?
Stephen Harris
The feature was introduced in (Pro) 1.2 (but it also requires Event Organiser 2.0.2+).
Stephen Harris
My versions: 2.6.0 and 1.0 for pro. I will first look for the versions mentioned by you and let you know.
The page I am working on has: [eo_fullcalendar headerLeft=’category,venue’ headerCenter=’title’ headerRight=’prev,next today’] and working fine, changing category/venue to anything else (state,city) does not work.
I am working on a draft page so i am not sure if will be accesible for you: http://www.horseplanet.pl/kalendarz-wordpress/?preview=true&preview_id=4044&preview_nonce=5395488352
Małgorzata Rogalska
I cannot find dowload file new version. Can you mail me this?
Małgorzata Rogalska
You should be able to update via the dashboard. Otherwise you can download it manually via http://wp-event-organiser.com/my-account.
Stephen Harris
Thanks lot! After the update I can use all fillters metioned in your link (category,venue,state,city). Can you let me lknow ehather pro version support as well other fillters (you said that tag is not possible but maybe other fields?)
Małgorzata Rogalska
Tag will be added (probably in 2.7/2.8 of the free version). What other filters were you think of?
Stephen Harris