Widget Config

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #9383

    Hi Stephen!

    Is there a way of limiting the number of events shown at the scrolling widget? Or to make it paginate by day?

    (Excuse my english) Thanks!

    Pablo Molinari

    Unfortunately not – the agenda widget is in need of some attention as its options are rather limited at the moment.

    Stephen Harris

    Oh, ok. Can you tell me which files or lines do the logic? I’ll give a shot on making it day by day by myself.

    Pablo Molinari

    Yup, the agenda widget class is in the classes directory. The ajax response to the request for more events is dealt with includes/event-organiser-ajax.php (see eventorganiser_widget_agenda()).

    … but if I’m perfectly honest, the code is need of an overhaul, you are probably much better building something from scratch.

    Stephen Harris
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