widget calendar

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 12 years ago.

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  • #3625

    When I click on a day in the widget calendar it returns all the events for each day, up to the day I clicked. How can I have the widget return just the events for the day I clicked on?

    Avi Rosenberg

    Sorry, I realized it only happens when I go to the next month. So in that case, is there any way of reversing the order so that the event date comes up at the beginning of the list?

    Avi Rosenberg

    That page should list all events (in date order) that are running on that day, So an event starting at 11:30pm the previous day and ending at 9am on the day being viewed would be listed (and probably near the top). Events that start later on the day being viewed would be last. Is that not what you’re seeing? Can you provide a link?

    Stephen Harris
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