Way to resize Full Calendar

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Heather 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #3889

    Hi I would like to create a full calendar view on different pages, showcasing the different categories (one page would be for classes and only show the classes on the calendar). I would like to make the full calendar smaller on the page. Is there a code/way to do that?


    It’s possible to restrict the calendar to only certain venues and/or categories (or include drop-downs to allow the user to filter it).

    You can make the event calendar smaller by editing your theme’s style.css and targeting the calendar, e.g. to make it thinner:

    Stephen Harris

    Is there a way to isolate just specific calendars? I have the full calendar on it’s own page (ie Events Calendar) at 100% size, then have it on separate pages (ie Classes) where it only shows the classes category. I want the ‘Classes’ calendar to be smaller while the ‘Events Calendar’ stays 100%.

    Is that possible?

    Thanks for all your help!!


    Hi Heather,

    Yes you can – geneally themes will apply a unique ID to the body of the page (usually containing the page ID for pages), you can use this to style the calendar accordingly on different pages:


    #postid-3889 .eo-fullcalendar{

    You can view the page’s HTML via your browser’s console (right click, inspect element in Chrome – and look for the <body> tag. The above example uses the ID applied to this page.

    Stephen Harris

    That worked! Thank you so much. This is great calendar plugin!

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