Venue only in confirmation email

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Evert 5 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #35246

    Hello Stephen,

    Is there a possibility in the confirmation email to send the venue instead of being publicly readable in the event?



    Hi Evert,

    Just to clarify, you want the venue in the booking confirmation email, but not the event page?

    To remove the venue from the event page, copy event-meta-event-single.php from templates` directory to your theme and remove these lines:

    To include the venue in the confirmation email you can use the placeholders listed here in the content template (see Settings > Event Organiser > Bookings)

    Stephen Harris

    Hello Stephen,

    True, I sometimes have more people participating (without booking) because the address is known in advance. So I can be surprised with a double number of participants.

    I’m going to get started with the information provided, thank you!



    Hi Stephen, do you want me to remove these lines?

    <?php if ( eo_get_venue() ) {
            $tax = get_taxonomy( 'event-venue' ); ?>
  • <?php echo esc_html( $tax->labels->singular_name ) ?>: "> <?php eo_venue_name(); ?>
  • <?php } ?>


    Works perfect! Thank you


    Happy a little too early 😉
    Is it also possible to adjust (remove url and map) the venue in EO poster board?

    Stephen Harris

    Great! thank you very much for your help.

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