Hi Stephen,
Thanks for all your hard work to create this plugin – works well!
I’m using the VAT plugin and I have two questions please:
- As you can see in the screen capture (below), the displayed GST amount is not 10% of the total, yet it seems to do the calculation of the total amount correctly.
- What tag can I use to include the VAT amount (in this case, the 10% GST amount) in the email I send to bookees? I can include the total, including GST fine, but I need to list the GST component in the invoice separately.


Trevor Schoerie
Hi Trevor,
What version of the VAT extension are you using? This is a formatting bug that was fixed in a recent update.
Regarding including the VAT amount in the email, it should already appear in its own row above the total in the tickets table. Is this not the case for you, or do you wish to include it elsewhere in the email body?

Stephen Harris
Thanks for the quick response Stephen. I’ll go ahead and update the plugin to fix the display of the GST amount.
In terms of the email to bookees – I’m using a a custom email and want to include the GST amount in that email.

Trevor Schoerie
Hi Trevor,
There isn’t an e-mail tag for VAT, but in Pro 1.11.0 there’ll be an API for registering custom e-mail tags. I’ll use that in a future update to the VAT extension to provide a tag for the vat amount.
In the mean time you could follow this example for registering a custom e-mail placeholder: http://wp-event-organiser.com/forums/topic/more-email-placeholders-particularly-venue-related-ones/
To retrieve the amount of VAT paid in a booking:
$vat_amount = eo_get_booking_meta( $booking_id, 'vat_amount', true )

Stephen Harris