Use of placeholders for [event_search] shortcode

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Request A Feature Use of placeholders for [event_search] shortcode

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  ICG EventOrganizer-Admin 8 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #24541

    I would like the ability to use placeholder tags to format output of the [event_search] shortcode search results, in the same way as for [eo_events]. Both are logically event lists, and should provide the same formatting capabilities to page authors without having to modify the template.

    (I have implemented the code to do this in EO Pro includes/shortcodes.php and will send the modified file separately.)

    ICG EventOrganizer-Admin

    Thanks for sending your alterations through. I shall look into including these in the next non-patch update.

    Stephen Harris

    You’re very welcome Stephen. It’s a very worthwhile plugin and I’m happy to contribute towards it if that is useful to you.

    Philip Gust

    ICG EventOrganizer-Admin
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