"Upcoming Dates"

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 12 years ago.

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  • #3589


    I’m trying to obtain the list of “Upcoming Dates” (with “Show more” anf “Show less” dropdown) for events that have occurrences, i found it in the default template of the plugin but i’m not able to find it … i thought to find it in the original single-event.php but is not there, can u tell me where to find it please?



    Hi Luca,

    You can find it in the event-meta-event-single.php template file. By giving the list the appropriate ID, the javascript should automatically take care of hiding all but the next 5 dates with options for showing more.

    Stephen Harris

    I have been trying to sort these events according to the dates they are happening and they keep showing up the later ones first and the upcoming one next.
    How do I change that??


    The hideable dates are ordered by date with the next occurrence first. If that’s not what you’re seeing then there could be a bug or plugin/theme conflict. Try disabling your other plugins and switching to TwentyEleven first to check.

    Stephen Harris
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