Trying to add event as "author"

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Sue 12 years ago.

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  • Author
  • #3301

    I’m trying to devolve the publishing/editing of events.

    I just created a test user with “author” level access. However, when I try to add an event, I get the message “You are not allowed to delete events.” when I select “Submit for Review”.

    Am i doing something wrong, or is it just not possible for Authors to submit events?



    Sorry – it seems that the events were actually created and placed in the pending state, but if I could edit that error message (or get rid of it) things would be golden!


    Hi Sue – I suspect that this bug would have been dealt with in the recent 1.7-beta after some code tidy up. I will test it out though and let you know!

    Thanks for reporting this!

    Stephen Harris

    Thank you, Stephen! It’s very exciting that I can get other people to add events.

    This is a wonderful plugin!


    Hi Sue,

    After testing I found the issue hadn’t been resolved, but I’ve since fixed the bug. 1.7 (due later/tomorrow) will have this fixed :).

    Thank you! (And thanks for reporting the bug!)

    Stephen Harris

    Fixed! Thank you again. I can now get people to be responsible for entering their own events (yes, this IS exciting!).

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