Ticket Notification Email

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Joe Iadanza 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #8865

    Hi Stephen,

    Where is/are the template(s) stored that notify me when a ticket is booked and/or confirmed? The current notification only tells me the username of the person booking the tickets. But, I don’t use registration, so I’d like to include the booker’s name and the custom fields that they fill out so I can know what’s doin’ without logging into the back end.

    Any advice or guidance is appreciated!



    Joe Iadanza

    Hi Joe,

    What version are you using. There was a bug related to this but it should have been fixed in 1.5 (see http://wp-event-organiser.com/forums/topic/add-attendee-information-to-admin-email/).

    Stephen Harris

    Ha! I just saw the update for 1.5.1 Installed… Thanks!

    Will take it for a spin now!


    Joe Iadanza
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