How can I tell your templates that they should use my Theme templates options.
Especially for the Event Locations and the categories
Thank you for your help.
Kind regards,

Alain Blaettler
When I setup the Locations and the Events
- The Calender View looks OK
- When I click on a Event into the calender, the site is correct formatted
But when I then click on the locacation link within the details the site is not formatted anymore, it looks like it uses your theme or the WP TwentyEleven or Twelve theme.
Can I change this behaviour?
Kind regards,

Alain Blaettler
Hi Alain,
The plug-in looks for the following templates in your theme/child-theme:
- single-event.php (Displays event page)
- taxonomy-event-category.php (Displays category page)
- taxonomy-event-venue.php (Displays venue page)
- archive-event.php (Generic event list, e.g. ‘events’ page, ‘events on date’ etc )
If they are not found, it uses the default templates provided (single-event.php
is different here in that it uses single.php
and prepends event content if it is isn’t present in your theme). These are designed to work with as a many themes possible (and a based on the TwentyEleven/Twelve themes) – but obviously one size can’t fit all…
You can copy the default templates into your theme and edit them (they will then survive updates to the plug-in, and the plug-in will use those templates over the default ones). More details on this can be found here: http://wp-event-organiser.com/documentation/editing-the-templates/
Typically its a good idea to use an existing theme template as a basis, and then add-in the various [API functions[(http://codex.wp-event-organiser.com] if and where you want them (see the default template for examples too). For the venue page, a good place to start is your category.php
or taxonomy.php
If you have any questions, I’d be happy to help!
All the best,

Stephen Harris
Hi Stephen,
I copied taxonomy-event-venue.php to my child theme. Changing this file has no effect.
“Enable template handling” is checked in settings.<br />
If I switch to default wordpress themes, the same problem.
What am I missing?

Adnan Akbas
I figured it out. It was WPML plugin causing the problem. After changing some settings in WPML, my custom tax. template worked.

Adnan Akbas