Table of Events?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  jacob 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #3761

    Hi Stephen,

    is it possible to create an overview of all events in the form of a table (like an excel sheet), where the different columns can be sorted? It would be very useful to combine this sort of table with the filter function which exists in the eo_fullcalender header.

    I tried many ways to find out how this could work, but couldn’t find it out…

    Thank you so much for getting back and for your fantastic plugin!


    Hi Katja,

    Is this a table for an event page, or you are you after a CSV file you can import to Excel?

    If the latter, you can edit the template for the event list shortcode to display information as a table? But to achieve what you want would require some custom coding (in editing the template). Unfortunately there’s not an ‘out of the box’ solution for this.

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen,

    yes, I’m looking for a table to be shown on a page to give an overveiw of all upcoming events, which can be sorted an filtered as in the eo_fullcalender header – like e.g. on the following website:

    I guess, that probably, there is no ‘out of the box’ solution for this…

    Thank you very much!


    Hi there,
    Great looking plugin. Key question: can you use this to autocreate a googlemap that lists ALL the venues at once? That’s really what I’m looking for – something that will track the dates, but can show a national (or global) map with all the venues on it.


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