Source text translation didn't work

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Source text translation didn't work

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Marco 4 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #38523

    Hi Stephen,

    this is my first topic here, hopefully I still didn’t come out as a complete newbie.

    I try to translate a string, but it did’t work:
    Screnshot from Booking template

    I’ve found the exact source text in the source file, have changed the translation to ‘Du bist als %s angemeldet. Abmelden?‘ and uploaded it to ‘../wp-content/languages/event-organiser-pro folder.
    Additionally I have compiled it to MO and moved this file to the same folder.

    Exactly as intended, right? But it didn’t changed the text in the website.
    Any ideas what I did wrong?



    enter image description here


    Hi Marco,

    Was the filename eventorganiserp-de_DE.po? I think the plug-in might also erroneously ships with event-organiser-pro-de_DE.po which might be the one you edited?

    Stephen Harris

    OK, thank you for pointing that out. Then I only tried the old version.

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