Sorting in ShortCode

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  frebro 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #3683

    I’d love to see the ability to sort events by start/end date in the ShortCode.


    [eo_events event_start_after=”today” orderby=”date” order=”ASC”]

    or maybe even

    [eo_events event_end_before=”today” showpastevents=true orderby=”venue”]


    You can do this already :), I’ve upated the documentation to clarify this….

    Ordering by venue isn’t possible unfortunately as WordPress does not support ordering by a taxonomy.

    Stephen Harris

    Oh, right! Sorry, I should have thought of that. Good that you updated the docs though. Thanks!


    Just to clarify, in case someone else searches the forums for the same issue: I listed all past events with OLDEST LAST using this shortcode.

    [eo_events event_end_before=”today” showpastevents=true orderby=”eventstart” order=”DESC”]

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