Single and double Rooms

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 6 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #30682

    I have the following problem:

    My customers wants to use the event organiser for some kind of vacation booking plattform (which works fine):
    But we have the following problem:

    Imagine there are 6 rooms with 2 beds. You can book a single bed in a shared room for 700€. Or you can book a bed in a private room (technically the same room) for 1.100€.

    Now my problem:
    If somebody books a premium ticket (private room) 2 standard tickets have to disappear.
    And in the same way its impossible to book a premium ticket if only 1 bed is free.
    My customer just created individual tickets and its possible to overbook the system.

    Marcus Hertel

    Hi Marcus,

    I’m afraid I don’t think the plug-in can help here – it was designed for selling tickets for events, not as booking platform.

    At best you could create a single ticket for each of the beds, and then require a customer wanting a private room to book two tickets. You could then use a discount code to reduce the price.

    Of course, from an end-user perspective this might create a jarring experience but ultimately you could create your own front-end which presents the user with a more intuitive interface and maps that to a valid booking request (The booking form just POSTs data to a URL, so you could do that in the background).

    Stephen Harris
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