Hi is there a way to customize the email that the bookee gets so that it´s different if the organiser is different mine looks like this now
Hej %display_name%! Tack för din anmälan till: %event_title%%tickets%
Please contact me if you have any questions
Urban Norlander
070-754 88 03
info @svenskamorenoinstitutet.se
I want the signature to change depending on who is responsible for the event, who is the organiser.
That would be possible if there was a placeholder that for example looked like this %display_organiser%
All the best
/Urban Norlander
Urban Norlander
Hi Urban,
There isn’t a UI option for this, but there are some hooks you can use (see https://docs.wp-event-organiser.com/bookings/notification-emails/)
The four hooks listed:
- eventorganiser_notify_confirmed_booking_message
- eventorganiser_notify_confirmed_booking_subject
- eventorganiser_notify_new_booking_message
- eventorganiser_notify_new_booking_subject
each pass the booking ID as the second parameter. From that you can get the event ID:
$event_id = eo_get_booking_meta( $booking_id, 'event_id' );
and from that the organiser ID:
$user_id = get_post_field( 'post_author', $event_id );
Stephen Harris