Hi Stephen,
We are using WP Event Organiser Pro (with the VAT add-on) on a client site; as the site is business-to-consumer, we were wondering if there was an easy way to show the ticket prices (within the “Ticket Picker”) on the single event page to be inclusive of VAT/Tax?
Is there an “upgrade-safe” method that you would recommend to handle this?
I will very much look forward to hearing from you.

Alex Stanhope
Hi Alex,
Yes this is possible.
You can copy the file event-organiser-pro/templates/eo-ticket-picker.php
into your theme and make a change to the line:
<td class="eo-booking-ticket-price"> <?php echo eo_format_price( $ticket['price'], true ); ?> </td>
so that it applies the tax:
<td class="eo-booking-ticket-price"> <?php
$vat = function_exists('eventorganiservat_get_vat_percent') ? eventorganiservat_get_vat_percent() : 0;
$inc_vat = $ticket['price'] * (1 + $vat/100);
echo eo_format_price( $inc_vat, true );
?> </td>
By copying the template into your theme it’ll survive updates to the plug-in.

Stephen Harris
Hi Stephen,
That’s brilliant, and works like a charm!
However, what I did notice is that the total is still shown excluding VAT/tax though! Any thoughts on a fix for that at all?
As always, I will very much look forward to any ideas you might have on this!
<td class="eo-booking-total">
<?php echo eo_get_booking_form_total_placholder(); ?>

Alex Stanhope