I just bought event organiser pro. Now i need to show an events list with all the free tickts for the event (event is limited to 30 seats).
I use the shortcode:
< ?php echo do_shortcode( '[eo_events]' ); ?>
How can i add the number of the free seats of the 30 seats in the eo_events_list? Is there a shortcode for this?
Thank you so much and best regards.
Pascal Bieri
Hi Pascal,
Do you want the total number of free seats, or the number of free seats remaining?
Stephen Harris
Hi Stephen
Thank you so much for your response. I want to show the number of free seats remaining and the total number of seats. An example:
Eventname – Eventdate – Number of free seats / total number of seats
Movie Event – 12.12.2018 – 11/30 seats remaining
Thank you so much for your help and have a nice day!
Pascal Bieri
Sorry, I thought you meant free as in the price rather than available.
You’ll have to edit the event list shortcode template: https://github.com/stephenharris/Event-Organiser/blob/develop/templates/shortcode-event-list.php (copy it to your theme first)
To get the total capacity and available tickets
$total_capacity = eventorganiser_get_capacity(get_the_ID(), eo_get_the_occurrence_id());
$available = eo_get_remaining_tickets_count(get_the_ID(), eo_get_the_occurrence_id());
Stephen Harris