Same event, different venues for different dates?

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Request A Feature Same event, different venues for different dates?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  AK 6 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #31150

    It would be really nice with the option to somehow associate different dates with different venues for the same event.
    I think it would open up great possibilities and I would happily pay for this as an addon.
    I searched the forums and could see similar questions, are there any plans for something like this?
    Either way, it’s an an amazing plugin!


    Unfortunately not. Events are a ‘post type’ and venues are a taxonomy so the venue is tied to the event as a whole. There are a number of places where it is assumed that an event has a single venue (i.e. doesn’t need an event and date identifier) so making this change in a backwards compatible way isn’t feasible. So I’m afraid its not a planned feature at this time.

    Stephen Harris

    Would it be possible to somehow optionally input a comment/word for each date
    (when registering the event).
    …no need to use maps or the venues -taxonomy.

    So that a ticket -select list in a bookingform could look something like:

    august 4, Stockholm
    september 8, Gothenburg
    october 12, Malmo


    august 4
    september 8 – members only
    october 12, new added date

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