Restoring Venues

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Charlie Thompson 1 year, 1 month ago.

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  • #43501


    I’m bringing my events into a fresh install of wordpress via the import/export CSV extension and none of the imported events have venues associated with them. I imported the px_venuemeta and px_terms tables, but it’s unclear to me how an event is linked to a venue in the database. Is there a foreign key?


    Charlie Thompson

    So the CSV importer should create the venues/categories provided in the CSV and associate the events with them. However, it won’t import the content of the px_venuemeta.

    In terms of the schema, the wp_term_taxonomy table should reference the term ID from terms table. The venuemeta will reference the term ID as well. In term_relationships the object ID references the Event ID (from the ID in the posts table) and the term_taxonomy_id field references the ID from term_taxonomy.

    Stephen Harris

    Thank you!

    Charlie Thompson
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