Querying events by venues custom field

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Querying events by venues custom field

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  whyservices 11 years, 11 months ago.

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    Hi Stephen, currently testing out 1.7 beta and the new _city venues custom field. (If you’re curious why, have a look at the http://goo.gl/REX8R sidebar search)

    This may sound trivial, but I’d like to query for all the events taking place in a city. Looks like there’s not a function, and I don’t have any idea how to do it. Any advice? (btw, in the beta all looking working properly so far..) Best, Andrea


    Hi Andrea,

    Awesome :).

    You can’t query events by venue automatically (but this will be supported in the pro add-on). A work around would be to query the venues separately (requires some custom SQL as taxonomy terms don’t natively support meta data) some and use WP_Query‘s tax_query attribute.

    (I’ll be posting more information about the Pro add-on on soon, provisionally I’m planning for a March release).

    Stephen Harris

    The solution is beyond my proficiency level it seems.. After a brief consultation I think we will wait for this feature.

    Well, this pro add-on will be so chock-full of features that I will have to get it 🙂

    Regards and have a good dev time, Andrea


    I second that, a feature just like now when showing all events in a certain venue, applicable to city and country – that would be awesome.

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