I have users who are not admins, needing to edit recurring events. They are unable to edit them because they do not see the box with a checkbox that says
This is a recurring event. Check to edit this event and its
recurrences If you edit the event’s dates you will need to update any
event tickets. If you remove a date, any bookings for that date will
be ignored until you re-assign them an event date.
I am using User Role Editor and they have full permissions over events and I removed meta box restrictions as well.
Andy Burns
That box isn’t related to permissions. It appears for all recurring events regardless of the privileges of the user editing the event.
It’s simply a check to ensure the user realises that my editing the event’s date details they might create new dates and/or delete existing ones, and that the tickets may need to be updated.
Stephen Harris
It does not show for non-admin users for us, see here https://lpgeorgia.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/22/2018/11/eo-recurring.png.
What could cause this or at worst is there a hack to remove this check?
This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by Andy Burns.
Andy Burns
Somehow URE Pro is at fault as when it is deactivated the check shows for all users. You say it is not permissions related but maybe it actually is permissions related.
We tried to dig into the code and comment out sections that related but no success.
This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by Andy Burns.
Andy Burns
Resolved, unchecking ‘Show plugins/themes notices to admin only’ in User Role Editor – Options allows it to work. However, in a multisite structure, showing those notices is not the right setting.
I guess this works :/ I’d really prefer this check did not exist. We don’t use the bookings (instead we use CiviCRM).
Andy Burns