Hi Stephen,
Been a happy Event Organiser Pro user for quite some time now!
Just started noticing that event bookings are showing as “Pending” even though the payment has successfully been taken by PayPal. Essentially, it looks like they are not being set to “Confirmed” as they were previously, and this is causing a few headaches!
There is no “Gateway Response” shown for the effected bookings, which is very odd to say the least as PayPal has very definitely taken the purchasers’ money!
For the sake of reference, we are running the latest versions of WP, Event Organiser/Pro.
Any ideas why this might be?
I will very much look forward to hearing from you with your thoughts!

Alex Stanhope
Hi Alex,
If you add
define( 'EVENTORGANISER_DEBUG', 'debug');
to your wp-config.php
(above where it says you should stop editing). That will enable some additionally logging in a file eventorganiserpro.log
(by default to the WP_CONTENT
To test this, make a POST
request to the url http://yoursite.com/wp-json/eventorg/v1/gateways/paypal/ipn
, if you check your content directory, it should have that file in it, with the error: “IPN failed: Invalid receiver email”.
If you then make a booking or wait for a booking to come through, you should see an error message in the logs which will indicate why the booking is not being updated.
If you see no error message at all then that probably means PayPal cannot access your site (unlikely, unless you are blocking access to part of your site).

Stephen Harris
Hi Stephen,
Thanks so much for the message, and good shout on enabling the logging!
Just tried it, and this was the response:
{“code”:”rest_no_route”,”message”:”No route was found matching the URL and request method”,”data”:{“status”:404}}
Any ideas what’s going on with it, and what can be done?

Alex Stanhope
Also, in /wp-content/eventorganiserpro.log, this was shown for the last “live” PayPal transaction made:
[eventorgpro-warning] 2019-12-19 10:25:09 IPN failed: Could not validate: cURL error 28: Resolving timed out after 10000 milliseconds Array
My guess is that something’s up with the REST API or cURL, but not sure what I can do to fix/diagnose the issue; any thoughts?

Alex Stanhope
Hi Alex,
When the IPN is received by your site the plug-in sends the payload back to PayPal to verify that is genuine. This is failing because the request to PayPal appears to be taking longer than 10 seconds.
I’ve tested this, and for me PayPal’s endpoint is taking between 1-2 seconds, so I don’t think it’s PayPal’s endpoint is taking more than 10 seconds.
Could there be any firewall applied to your server which prevent outgoing https connections? Do you have SSH access to your server, can you try
curl -X POST https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr -F cmd=_notify-validate
you should get back INVALID
, but if it hangs for more than 10 seconds, then likely you’ve got something blocking the request.

Stephen Harris