Navigateing between months in full calendar mode

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Navigateing between months in full calendar mode

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  André Vasanne 10 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #11392

    Hi !
    the backoffice calendar view offers the possibility to navigate between months, which I don’t have in the front -end full calendar view. How to change this ?
    Thanks. André

    André Vasanne

    Hi André,

    I’ve just checked the site – ad it does have buttons to navigate between months – it’s just seems that you may have disabled CSS – so these buttons are effectively invisible.

    If you disable the plug-in’s CSS you may need to provide your own styling (as in this case). However, I’d also recommend using [eo_fullcalendar theme=false] – the “theme” here refers to a jQuery UI theme, and by setting it to false, the calendar no longer expects a jQuery UI CSS stylsheet to be loaded.

    You may still require some additional styling, but that usually gives you a good start. (And works fairly well, with bootstrap). For additional styling that the calendar may require, see fullcalendar.css in event-organiser/css.

    Stephen Harris

    Great thanks for your support Stephen

    André Vasanne
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