Maps not showing

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Matthew Whiteside 8 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #24789


    Google maps aren’t showing on the public side of the event pages. They are there on the admin side
    but just not on the even page (eg here)
    I’ve added the Google API key. Any ideas why this isn’t working?


    Matthew Whiteside

    Which version of FES are you using?

    There was a bug patch recently (1.3.6) which addressed issues with Google maps on the form and Event Organiser 3.0+

    Stephen Harris

    I’m using 1.3.7 and events organiser 3.1.4. The maps aren’t showing on any events at all either

    Matthew Whiteside

    Hi Matthew,

    You have a lot of javascript errors on that page. Some of the errors appear to be from within WordPress javascript files. I’ve noticed that the site is loading jQuery 1.6.1 (in addition to the 1.11.3 loaded by WordPress).

    I suspect that loading the older version over the new one is causing the errors which result in some scripts not being executed.

    I suspect this is causing the issue you describe here too:

    Stephen Harris

    I’ve also noticed the widget calendar in the sidebar is not working as intended either. Navigating between months should not reload the page, just the calendar. Again, this could be caused by the out-of-date jQuery version.

    Stephen Harris

    Thanks for looking at this Stephen. After my last reply I released there was something bigger
    going on than just your plugins because a few other things weren’t functioning as intended.

    I think its because I’m using an outdated theme because I’ve been putting off doing an overhall
    of the website for a bit. It seems my hand has now been forced so will be doing that over the next
    few weeks.

    Hopefully that fixes everything. If not I’ll give you a shout.

    Thanks again.

    Matthew Whiteside
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