Making Payment Type Required Field

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  barak kassar 10 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #7451

    Hi. Please take a look at this event:
    If a user does not enter a payment type the form still goes through, the ticket is booked and the user gets a confirmation email. Is there a toggle for requiring a payment type to be selected?
    Thank you

    barak kassar

    Hi Barak,

    It is required when payment is required (I’ve just verified that on the site you linked too as well). If a gateway is not selected then the user is returned to the form, unless the booking total is 0, in which case it automatically confirms the booking, and doesn’t require the user go through any payement gateway.

    Stephen Harris

    Aaaah. Thanks. I’m going to turn off offline payment switch. We can include that info in the description of the events going forward. I think UX get’s confusing otherwise
    Thanks so much
    Great plugin!

    barak kassar
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