Invalid Key for Discount codes

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Evert 5 years, 1 month ago.

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    I have just purchase discount codes, unfortunately the license key in the email appears to invalid and I am unable to create discount codes.



    Paul Newbery

    Hi Paul,

    I can see the license key is correctly registered, and its not clear why it would be reporting as invalid. If you click the “?” icon what error code/message do you see?

    The plug-in should still function however. With the plug-in (and Pro) active, can you see “Discount Codes” under “Events” in the navigation menu? If you then proceed to fill in the form to create a discount code, to you get an error of any sort?

    To make the discount code form field available on the booking form, go to Settings > Event Organiser > Booking Form. On the right you should see “Advance Fields” and clicking “discount codes” should add it the bottom of the form; you should then be able to drag-and-drop it to re-order the fields.

    Stephen Harris

    Stephen, the website also tells me that the code is invalid. My account states that it is valid. But everything else works fine.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by  Evert.
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