I can not link to categoies or venues

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question I can not link to categoies or venues

This topic contains 2 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Michael 12 years, 2 months ago.

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    I’ve an event it is in a category and has a venue added. I can view the event fine but the venue links to page not found as well category links lead to the same not found.
    I’m using a genesis based theme. I seem to have problems with anything involving “event/events” as I had this same issue using another events plugin. Could my taxonomy table be messed up in my database. If I sent you the site info Stephen would you have time to look “under the hood”?


    Correction it’s not a page not found. It’s …
    “Apologies, but no events were found for the requested venue”
    “Apologies, but no events were found for the requested category”.


    Resolved. I finally found the conflicting plugin (as is so often the case). It was a setting in the ECPT plugin.

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