How to display a list of events not displaying their reoccurring times

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question How to display a list of events not displaying their reoccurring times

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 12 years ago.

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    Let me first describe what I’m trying to build:
    – I have a lot of various events, some of them reoccur more often, some reoccur once a year, so [eo_events] code gives me a huge list where it is not possible to find rare events.
    – I want to display every event only once.

    I tried doing this through wp_query, but it still gives me the same list.
    foreach loop shows only one of each, but it doesn’t allow me to sort events by category or I just suck at it.

    Is there any solution for that?
    I would be very thankful for getting any helo with this 🙂



    try to go under wordpress Setting > Event Organiser and select “Group occurrences”, If selected only one occurrence of an event will be displayed on event lists and archives (this can be over-ridden by shortcode attributes and widget options).


    15 minutes after writing here I discovered a possibility to get what I want using taxonomy slug and foreach loop.


    Maybe u can help me,

    i’m looking the way to hide reoccurrences just if are daily occurrence .. have u some advise?



    Just for future readers – Luca and I are discussing this on this thread:

    Stephen Harris
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