How do I upgrade the pro version to 1.4

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question How do I upgrade the pro version to 1.4

This topic contains 10 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years, 1 month ago.

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    I see the alert to upgrade, but I can’t find the upgrade files on the event organizer site. I went to my profile and tried to download again. I got an error doing this, so it appears it’s the same version I already have.
    Where do I find the upgrade?


    Alicia St Rose

    Hi Alicia,

    You should be able to upgrade from WordPress admin. If you’re getting any errors with that, let me know and I’ll look into it.

    Otherwise if you wish to manually updated the plug-in you can do so by following the same steps as when you installed (Plugins > Add New, Upload tab etc). But you must first remove the plug-in folder via FTP (do not ‘uninstall’). If you don’t remove the plug-in folder you’ll get an error such as ‘Destination folder already exists.’.

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen, i’m getting this upgrade notice:

    There is a new version of Event Organiser Pro available. View version 1.4 details. Automatic update is unavailable for this plugin.

    Where can I download version 1.4?

    Ross Gosling

    That’s the message I’m getting as well. I’d love to just update from the admin.


    Alicia St Rose

    Hi Ross,

    I’ve just checked your license and it seems you had one site occupying three spaces (of the 5 site license), This was because the IP had changed. I’ve cleared that site, so you should be able to successfully use your license with the new site. Looking at the logs the site’s seems to have a consistant IP address so it shouldn’t be a problem any longer.


    Your license key is ‘inactive’, which means its valid, but hasn’t been used yet. Have you entered the license key in the plug-in settings page, and if does it indicate if its valid or not? If its not valid, there should be a help (?) icon. Clicking on that will reveal an error code, feel free to post that here.

    Stephen Harris

    Thanks, I can now see the update button, however when I press update I get the error:

    Downloading update from [url contains license key]

    Download failed. Forbidden

    Return to Plugins page

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by  Stephen Harris.
    Ross Gosling

    Hi Ross,

    Seems the link expired. I’ve tweaked the cache a bit to try and avoid a repetition of that. Let me know if that resolves it for you…

    (You can also download it manually via:

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen,
    I updated the key and I’m still getting the message that automatic upgrade isn’t available. Does it take time to kick in?


    Alicia St Rose

    Hi Alicia,

    Sometimes the cache can mean the update doesn’t appear straight away. But you should be able to update by now.

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen,
    I’m having a problem with my license key again. I had it active on a test site. I’ve removed the key from the test site, but can’t get it to work on the live site so that I can upgrade.


    Alicia St Rose

    Hi Alicia,

    I’ve cleared the license from the sandbox site.

    Stephen Harris
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To enable me to focus on Pro customers, only users who have a valid license for the Pro add-on may post new topics or replies in this forum. If you have a valid license, please log-in or register an account using the e-mail address you purchased the license with. If you don't you can purchase one here. Or there's always the WordPress repository forum.