More newbie questions from me I’m afraid, Stephen.
I’ve moved my WP site to a different server. Everything* seems to work normally, except my [eo_events] query (which was working fine before) is no longer grouping events by series.
I’m using the following shortcode:
[eo_events event_category="Intro" numberposts=5 event_start_after="now"
group_events_by=”series” no_events=”Nothing scheduled…”]
I’ve tried deleting and recreating the series, but that didn’t make a difference.
Any ideas anyone?
*I did have some problems with Bookings settings not saving after moving, but that seems to have sorted itself out

Andrew Shankie
Hi Andrew,
How did you migrate to a different server? Perhaps there are data-integrity issues after migrating (does the admin calendar / admin event list of events look ok?)

Stephen Harris
Hi Stephen,
I migrated by moving the files, exporting the DB to a flat file and re-importing the SQL to a flat file. The admin calendar view looks ok.
I essentially used this guide:

Andrew Shankie
Hi Andrew,
Does seem like that should cause any issues. Would you be able to get in touch here: – I think I’ll need to look at the site (and database via phpMyAdmin to work out whats going on).

Stephen Harris