Formatting of events via visual editor seems to not work

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Formatting of events via visual editor seems to not work

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years, 4 months ago.

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    Formatting via the visual editor seems to get stripped out.. or just not work. Please see:

    We can format in code view… not ideal for client though 🙂

    Any ideas… I’m sure it’s us.


    barak kassar

    Not sure what you’re specifically referring to (nothing looks wrong). Regarding displaying content on the front-end, that completely ignores whether the content was created in via the tinyMCE editor or text view. So the problem probably lies in processing/saving the content, rather than displaying it (check the database?).

    If so, its probably a plug-in – events are just a post type, and the content side of it is completely handled by WordPress. So perhaps check for a conflict? If there’s a conflict I’ll take a look at the offending plug-in to see what exactly is going on.

    Stephen Harris
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