Form before date picker and other form items

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Form before date picker and other form items

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years ago.

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    In the booking settings there is an option to allow logged-out users to book an event but not sign them up for an account. I have that check but there is this small form (First Name, Last Name, and Email) appearing before the date picker and the rest of the form items I had created. I can not figure out where this is coming from to get rid of it.

    enter image description here


    Nicholas Williams

    Hi Nicholas,

    Logged out users are required to provide a name and e-mail address regardless of whether an account is created for them. In a future update those form fields will be moved ‘inside’ the form customiser, but they won’t still be able to be removed. The e-mail address is required for e-mailing confirmations of bookings and the name so the %first_name% tag can be used.

    Stephen Harris
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