When exporting the bookings data, the bookee first name and last name appear in the same column. Which means it isn’t possible to sort the column on the bookee’s last name.
Would it be possible for the CSV export to separate out the first and last name into diffenrent columns. It would be very helpful to be able to generate an alphabetical list of attendees.
Many thanks for your help.
Best wishes

Madeleine Parkyn
Hi Stephen
Just wondering if you’d had a chance to take a look a this?
Many thanks

Madeleine Parkyn
Hi Stephen
It would be very helpful to know if there is a way of separting out the first and last names, last when exporting the bookees data. At the moment I’m having to cut and paste them into a new column, which feels rather laborious:)
Many thanks

Madeleine Parkyn
Hi Madeleine,
The following code snippet should achieve that:
add_filter( 'eventorganiser_export_bookings_headers', function( $columns ) {
$columns['bookee_fname'] = 'First name';
$columns['bookee_lname'] = 'Last name';
return $columns;
} );
Ideally that should go in a custom plug-in, but can live in your theme’s functions.php

Stephen Harris
Hi Stephen
As it happens I’ve just recently set up a custom code plugin, so I dropped your code snippet in there and all is working perfectly. Just what I needed.
Thank you so much for your help and this really useful plugin. I’m enjoying working with it.
Best wishes

Madeleine Parkyn