Export custom booking fields

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Michael Docker 3 years ago.

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  • #40825

    My booking form has a couple of unnamed custom fields — a set of radio buttons (ID: 30) and a text field (ID: 29) — that I would like to include in the ‘Export bookings’ .csv file. There is a ‘Select custom fields’ panel with an input box containing ‘Filter’, but I can’t work out how to use it.

    I’ve tried typing the form name (day-out) in the input box and hitting Return, but that just makes the ‘Export bookings’ panel disappear.

    Michael Docker

    Hi Michael,

    This is a bug, and has been fixed in 3.3.6. The filter filters by the label of the field, but fields without labels are not included. In 3.3.6 they are and appear as the ID preceded by a #.

    Stephen Harris

    Excellent. Thank you for sorting that out.

    Michael Docker
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