Two questions:
I have just installed Event Organiser Pro and have first synced it with my Google calendar. The import worked well, and all data was imported and visible on the back-end. However, none of the events contained any text on the front-end. Titles and dates are there, but if I click on a single event to see the event description the page is empty.
To make sure that it is not a problem with the ICal sync, I deleted all events and manually created a test event. It’s the same: it does not show the event information. Please help!
The other problem is the formatting/styles of the calendars. My theme seems to overrule the templates from Event Organiser, it looks quite ugly. How can I easily change the formatting of the different calendar and event displays so it looks similar to your demo? http://wp-event-organiser.com/demo/events/event/
I’m not very experienced with coding…
Thank you for your help!

Eva Mueller
Hi Eva,
By default the plug-in uses your theme’s single.php
. So it’d be a case of making sure that template is set up properly. There should be a call to the_content()
in there somewhere. I’ll be in touch via e-mail in case you need any further help with this.
Regarding editing the temlates, the plug-in comes with a variety of templates which you can move to your theme and edit there (by moving the templates into your theme, you can update the plug-in without loosing any changes). These template files can all be found in event-organiser/templates
. (Documentation on editing the templates can be found here.)
The template you’re interested in is archive-event.php
(and taxonomy-event-venue.php
, taxonomy-event-category.php
if you’re using venues & categories).
Usually it’s best to copy the same layout as your theme’s existing templates (e.g .index.php
or archive.php
). In your case I’d recommend removing the get_sidebar()
, and additionally making any ‘comestic’ changes by editing your theme’s style.css

Stephen Harris