Events not appearing

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 12 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #3094

    Please help.
    I have loaded the plugin a setup an event etc, yet the event does not appear on the calendar?
    The Venue and Category appear, no event?


    Hi Russell, have you seen the faq? Can you provide a link to your site?


    Stephen Harris

    Hi Russel,

    Its fine to provide log-in details if you’d like to me to take a look at the admin part of your site (generally its not needed though) – but please don’t post those details here (public forum 🙂 ). You can contact me directly to send confidential information.

    Having looked at your site, one of your plug-ins is printing javascript in the ajax response (Goes by the name ‘Attracta’). I think I’ve seen this before (see this thread It’s not a bug with Event Organiser, so you’ll need to contact the plug-in author.

    Stephen Harris
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