Events List > order and appearance

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Christian von Wolkahof 5 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #35276

    Dear Stephen,

    I really like Event Organiser Pro and use it on 3 websites. However, I am stuck on a particular design problem: I want to show an events list of all future events in the following appearance:

    Date (start date – end date) [new line]<br> Event title (as clickable link)

    as in here:

    July 6 – 7, 2019<br> 2 Day Workshop


    Aug 31 – Sep 5, 2019<br> 3 Day Workshop for Beginners

    All without the list-dots (if possible)

    For me as a non coder it is extremely difficult to figure out the use or edit of a php template – and even with telling a shortcode what to exactly bring up I did not succeed.

    I am very grateful for you heading me in the right direction,

    Thank you very much,


    • This topic was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by  Christian von Wolkahof. Reason: trying to make my question clearer :-)
    Christian von Wolkahof

    Hi Chris,

    You can use the event list shortcode:

     [eo_events event_start_after="now"] %event_range{F d, Y}{}%<br><a href="%event_url%">%event_title%</a>[/eo_events]

    Whether the list dots appear, depends on your theme, but is easily removed with a CSS rule:

     ul.eo-events-shortcode {
    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen,

    sorry for thanking you so late for your advice. It took a while to figure the shortcode out AND to change WordPress behavior towards breaks (<br>). In my particular WordPress installation I needed to tweak the shortcode like this:
    [eo_events showpastevents=false]%event_range{F d, Y}{}% <br> %event_title% [/eo_events]
    …and needed to allow/force wordpress not to strip the <br> tag.

    Now it is working and I am happy. Thank you, Stephen.
    Best, Chris

    Christian von Wolkahof
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