is it possible to filter the calendar view by tags using a shortcode? Like:
[eo_fullcalendar headerLeft=’prev,next today category venue’ headerCenter=’title’ headerRight=’month,basicWeek,basicDay’ weekends=’false’ defaultView=’basicWeek’ timeFormat=’G:i{ -G:i}’ columnformatweek=’D j/n’ tooltip=’false’ tag=’termine-veranstaltungen’]

Michael Koch
Hi Michael,
Currently not. I’ll look into adding this in the 2.4 release of Event Organiser (standard). 2.3 is due to be released later this week.

Stephen Harris
So there is no way of displaying tags right now or filtering. What is the template taxonomy-event-tag.php then for?

Michael Koch
You can view events by tag (url is set in the plug-in settings), and you can add tag(s) to menus. You can also use the tag cloud widget to display event tags, and use event tags in custom WP_Query
s. But you can’t (currently) filter by tag on the event calendar.

Stephen Harris
thank you…but that means in the event list I could use it?
[eo_events event_tag=”tag”] template [/eo_events]

Michael Koch
Yes, you should be able to use it like that.

Stephen Harris
thanks..that worked great. Perhaps it would be interesting to documentation because it is a really good feature. Hopefully we can do this event calendar view shortly too. Thanks a lot again.

Michael Koch