Event Details

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #3891

    Hi there! When I created an event, the output is that the event details(such as date, time and the Google Map) appeared on the top of the event description/content. Is it possible to make the event details appear after the event description or at the bottom? I really wanted to put the event details especially the Google map at the bottom of the event content but somehow I can’t figure out how to do it. Thank you.


    Hi Jelle,

    Yes, but you’d need to edit the templates: http://wp-event-organiser.com/documentation/editing-the-templates/ (in particular single-event.php.)

    Stephen Harris

    Thanks! But how do I do that? I’ve looked on the single-event.php, isn’t it that the code responsible for the showing the details before the description is this:
    php eo_get_template_part(‘event-meta’,’event-single’

    I’ve tried placing that code just before the hoping that the details will show before the footer, but nothing happened. Have I done something stupid?


    HI Jelle,

    Yes that’s the one – you want to place under the call the the_content()– which is the main body of the event.

    You will need to move to the edited template to your theme for it to take effect.

    Stephen Harris
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