Event date/time/location not showing with default templates

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Event date/time/location not showing with default templates

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  sangenuer 11 years, 10 months ago.

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    When I had templates enabled in my EO settings all the information was displayed correctly on the individual event’s page but the overall events page (with the thumbnails) looked wonky. But when I disable templates, the events page with the thumbnails looks nice but the individual pages lose the time/date/location. All that shows up is the event description. The sidebar widget is displaying correctly no matter which way I have templates set.

    I thought that by disabling templates everything would be okay, since then it’s using EO’s own templates. But apparently I’ve missed something? My site can be found at http://www.cmhomeschool.org. I currently have templates disabled.



    Hi Lisa,

    If you disable the templates then Event Organiser does nothing to the front-end in terms of the templates. As such, unless your theme has specified how to display events, or you add that in yourself, event details will not be shown.

    If you enable templates, the plug-in provided default templates will be used – unless your theme provides its own template – which will over-ride the default ones. But, the default templates won’t work with every theme (they can’t) – or you may just want to edit the templates – in both cases you can do this by adding the appropriate templates to your theme.

    See this page for more information: http://wp-event-organiser.com/documentation/editing-the-templates/

    Hope that helps!

    Stephen Harris

    Got it – thanks!

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