Date drop down menu for reoccuring events

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Date drop down menu for reoccuring events

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Laurence Manchee 1 year, 3 months ago.

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  • #43312

    It is a little awkward for users to select the date as the drop-down menu is lower than the tickets.

    And on the mobile phone, you cant even really see the date drop-down menu in full.

    Is there a way to make the drop-down menu for date selection appear above the ticket selection?


    thanks a million

    Laurence Manchee

    Hi Laurence,

    Yes this is possible, but it’ll require some familiarity with PHP and HTML.

    You’ll need to make the changes to event-organiser-pro/templates/eo-ticket-picker.php. But I would recommend copying the file to your theme and making the changes there (the plug-in should use the file in the template). That way your changes will survive a plugin update.

    First remove the row span (in line 35):

    rowspan=<?php echo count( $tickets ) + 4; 

    and take out the ‘date’ header (line 24):

    <td class='eo-booking-date'> <?php esc_html_e( 'Date', 'eventorganiserp' ); ?> </td>

    That moves the date selection to the top. You could also just remove the Date header and move the date selection row out of the table.

    Stephen Harris

    Thank you. I managed to do this, and it is much better now.

    I Appreciate your help

    Laurence Manchee
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