Custom data on notifications

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 5 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #36248

    Hello, I just recently bought the Pro version and I am very pleased! I have a question: As I have many different organizers for different events, the notification for the bookee should contain the organizers bank-account data for offline payment. Is there a way to include a custom field for “bank account” into the organizers profile and include it in the bookee’s confirmation via shortcode?

    Thank you in advance!

    Kristin Graf

    Hi Kirstin,

    You can register your own placeholder for emails:


    add_action('init', function(){  
            EO_Email_Template_Tag_Registry::register( 'bank_details', function($tag, $atts, $context ){
               $event_id = $context['event_id']; 
               //Get bank details from event customer field or meta data of author:
               $sortcode = '01-23-45';
               $account = '12345678';
               return "<p>Sortcode: ${sortcode} Account: ${account}</p>";

    Then you can you can use it in your email template settings as follows: %bank_details%

    Stephen Harris
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