My client takes group bookings, i.e. a parent makes a booking for multiple childern. Is it possible to create additional field depending on the number of places booked
i.e. if a parent books 3 children
additional 2 boxes for childs name and additional 2 boxes for the age etc . These fields also need to mandatory.
hopefully that makes sense

Paul Newbery
Hi Paul,
Yes – but it would be 3 extra fields, not 2. When you create a booking form you can add fields, but these are tied to the booking, not a particular ticket/person. You can then use ‘attendee questions’, these are repeatable fields that are repeated for each ticket selected.
Please note, that “attendee questions” are not currently available in the UI and have to be added in code.
More details can be found here: https://wp-event-organiser.com/blog/tutorial/attendee-questions/

Stephen Harris
Hi Stephen,
Many thanks for that I have sucessfully added attendee questions on to my booking form, however im a little unsure about the CSV export, on the filter how do this relate to my new field ids i.e. is first name and last name example id’s as they dont match any thing in the example where you have the attendee questions.
add_filter( ‘eventorganiser_export_tickets_headers’, function( $columns ) {
$columns[‘ticket_first_name’] = ‘Ticket Holder (first name)’;
$columns[‘ticket_last_name’] = ‘Ticket Holder (last name)’;
$columns[‘ticket_email’] = ‘Ticket Holder Email’;
return $columns;
} );

Paul Newbery
ignore my last comment. I was blind.

Paul Newbery