Catagory Drop Down Not showing

This topic contains 8 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Ben 12 years ago.

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  • #3572

    Hey There,

    I'm not sure if I'm missing a dropdown box for catagories, or one simply doesn't exist?? Either way, can you let me know how to refine the events in the calendar by category?




    Interestingly enough.. I do have a ‘Categories’ and ‘Venues’ drop down in the admin panel, however it’s not visable in the front end when using the ‘show full calendar’ shortcode.

    I seem to be missing the top border on running across the top of the ‘day tiles’ (eg. Mon|Tues|Weds etc) so maybe my theme is doing something strange???? I’m using the latest version of Headway Theme.

    Thanks in advance.



    Hi Ben,

    Can you post an example of how you are you using the shortcode?

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen,

    I'm simply using the following shortcode


    This is exactly as it looks in both the Visual and Text editors. There are no tages in the text editor. There is no other content on the page.

    Hope this helps, fingers crossed it's a simple issue to resolve.




    Hi Ben,

    Yup, that’s the default behaviour of the shortcode. To get it to display differently you need to set the appropriate attributes.

    Stephen Harris

    Hey Stephen.

    Thanks very much for the prompt reply, much apprecited!!

    Just to clarify my point.. I’ve inlcuded a screen shot of the calendar on the page. Notice the top border on the days seems to have disappeared and there are no ‘Catagories’ and ‘Venues’ dropdown boxes to enable the user to refine the events in the calendar?? (As is present in the admin version of the calendar)enter link description here


    Hey Stephen.. just wonder if the above is normal? If it is, can you let me know how a user would be able to refine the events list?




    The missing top-border is probably due to your theme (you can use a browser console to check this). I can’t help much with a screenshot though :).

    As for the shortcode – yes how the calendar is displayed is the default behaviour. The page I linked to provides information on how to add a dropdown menu

    Stephen Harris

    Hey Stephen,

    Thanks very much for the information, that has sorted out the drop down menu nicely.

    I have to apologise mate, one of my greatest pet peevs is when I take the time to provide someone with information and they respond with a question which was included in my original communication… I’ve just done it to you!!!! What a rude bstrd I am 😛

    Thanks for the taking the time, I do appreciate it.


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