calendar display not working

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 6 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #31343


    I’m trying to display a calendar but is not working. I’m using the following shortcode:

    [eo_fullcalendar headerLeft=’venue’ headerCenter=’title’ headerRight=’prev,next’]

    But one the venue it shows up the dropdown city option but when selected it doesnt filter. on the nex,prev is not showing at all?.

    Is there anything im doing wrong?
    Check the page

    Thank you

    Boudewijn van den Breemer


    The venue filter appears to be working for me. What browser are you using?

    As for the next/previous – this can happen if you have copy and pasted the shortcode into the visual editor (rather than on the Text tab). The reason being is that sometimes pasting into the visual editor will also paste in HTML: you can’t see it, but it prevents the shortcode form being parsed.

    The safest way is to type out shortcodes, or paste using the Text tab. On a related note, when I copy what you’ve posted above it also fails to show anything in the header as all the attributes values have backtics around them ( “ ) rather than apostrophes‘` – so double check you’re not using backtics.

    Stephen Harris
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