Booking information in database?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 6 months ago.

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    Hi Stephen,

    I’m happy with the Pro version of the Event Organiser and am currently using it as our booking manager for our upcoming event. It’s working great so far.

    However, I am wondering whether EO will store the bookees’ information into the backend database. I did some look up in my MySQL database but got no luck. Could you give me a hint here?

    Thank you!

    Best regards,

    Zhaoben Xu

    I’m glad to hear you’re happy with the plug-in. Yes it does. If the bookee is a WP user then it just users the details from their user account (see *_users and *_usermeta). Otherwise it stores it as “booking meta” (in the *_postmeta table.

    All data collected at the booking form (excluding ticket selection, and if applicable, credit card details ) are stored there also. You can download this data (in CSV format) by clicking download bookings/tickets from the bookings admin page.

    Booked tickets are store in their own table.

    Hope that helps!

    Stephen Harris
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