Allow users to add event to calendar?

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Allow users to add event to calendar?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  barak kassar 10 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #7286

    Loving plugin. Thanks for developing and updating and maintaining!
    Is it possible to add a link in an event page to allow users to add event to their calendar (w/o subscribing to entire calendar)
    Thanks so much

    barak kassar

    You’re welcome, and thank you!

    I think I’m right in saying that most iCal based calendar applications only allow you to subscribe to a calendar rather than add particular events. So a link to [event_link]/feed/eo-events would allow a user to subscribe to an event, e.g. But for recurring events this would subscribe them to all occurrences. There’s the additional problem that if that url changes, the event will probably be lost from their calendar (it depends on the calendar application).

    Google calendar, however, does allow you to add a specific event (occurrence) to a user’s Google calendar: (which replaces the now deprecated eo_get_the_GoogleLink()). This is what the agenda widget uses.

    If other calendar applications provide a means to add specific events to a user’s calendar then I would happily add functions for those those too.

    Stephen Harris

    Thank you.. continuing to experiment

    barak kassar
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