yearRange search events date picker

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question yearRange search events date picker

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Joy Katzen-Guthrie 7 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #29310

    The date picker in the search filter is 10 years in the past and in the future. I want only this year and next year and need to change this every year or more frequently. Is there some setting I’m missing?

    Anyway, since I had a lot of things I wanted to do with the search form, I included a copy of it in the eo-loop-events.php and used some ACF fields in there, so I did what I wanted but was wondering if I missed some documentation.

    Joy Katzen-Guthrie

    There isn’t a setting for this, and the -10 +10 range is the default for jQuery datepicker. I’ll look into a way of making this configurable, but in the mean time, you would have to edit event-organiser-pro/js/event-search.js insert the setting:

        yearRange: "-0:+1",


        changeYear: true,
        yearRange: "-0:+1",
        monthNamesShort: EO_Pro_DP.locale.monthAbbrev,

    and then copy that to event-organiser-pro/js/event-search.min.js (which is a compressed version of event-search.js.

    Stephen Harris


    Joy Katzen-Guthrie
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